CDA XML Implementation
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1 CDA Overview
(content on separate page)
2 Introduction to CDA Technical Artifacts
(content on separate page)
3 CDA Document Exchange in HL7 Messages
(content on separate page)
4 CDA Templating
(content on separate page)
(content on separate page)
6 CDA Hierarchical Description
(content on separate page)
7 CDA XML Implementation
Note: The definitive description of HL7 XML Implementation Technology Specification and the process used to go from Hierarchical Description to Schema can be found here.
The CDA Schema can be found here
The Datatypes.xsd file can be found here
Datatypes-base.xsd file can be found here
POCD_MT000040UV.xsd file can be found here
CDA Narrative Block schema can be found here.
voc.xsd file can be found here.
The CDA Schema is not itself a normative artifact. Rather, checking an instance against the CDA Schema is a surrogate for validating conformance against the normative XML ITS.
The CDA Narrative Block, which is the XML content model of section.text, is manually crafted, as described above (see Section Narrative Block). Note that while the CDA Schema is not a normative artifact, the CDA Narrative Block schema is.
8 Appendix
(content on separate page)