Note to Balloters
This "ballot for comment" has been provided to solicit feedback on changes we would like to incorporate in the CDA R2.1 standard. As it has been 12 years since the CDA R2.0 standard was published, and it seemed appropriate to incorporate a wider discussion on CDA Implementation Guides and templates in general. As a result, we have added a new section, "Section 4 - CDA Implementation Guides". In other sections, where changes have been made we have attempted to indicate those changes by using this presentation.
As we indicated in the CDA R2.1 project scope statement, we have pre-adopted the new vocabulary binding syntax, where CWE has been replaced with "Open" and CNE are replaced with "Closed" and Fixed indicates a single code binding that can not be changed in implementation guides. Refer to "Section 2.3 - Vocabulary Use in CDA" for more on these changes. And likely the most notable change in this new version of the CDA standard, is "Section 5 - CDA Design", where we have included a series of CDA R-MIM diagrams and updated class attribute and value set tables to assist readers in understand the CDA's design and capabilities. We are interested in all feedback, but thought it important to call out these sections and content for your review.